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Activity Sideboard

Shared space storage solutions that fit with the style of your existing aesthetic & are completely functional. 

 Having dedicated storage for toys, activities, & materials in your main living space can be the key to containing clutter. This sideboard stores things like art supplies, play dough, & sensory activities not suitable for a carpeted playroom, a few books, and various fine-motor activities. Clear & stackable meal-prep containers used as storage bins. Shelves low enough for littles to choose & put away their activities independently and with ease. Child-locks installed on drawers meant for "grown-ups only".

At the end of every day, everything is put back in its place, doors & drawers are closed, and there isn’t a toy in sight. Eliminating toy & activity clutter in your main living space never looked so good!

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Is your shared space in need of storage and/or organizing? Looking to eliminate toy clutter?
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